Break Out of Your COMFORT ZONE!

by - 7:15 AM

Outside of your comfort zone can be a good place to be, as long as you are not too far out. To add a little color to yourlife, it’s important to try new and sometimes scary things. Here are some ways to break out of your comfort zone.

First, you should learn to know yourself, know what your fears are. When was the last time you felt uncomfortable? What did it feel like? By knowing how much the limit of fear is within you, it makes it easier to notice when you are out of your comfort zone.
Second, you should tell yourself, “ I am fearless.” Over and over again and convincing yourself successfully doing or achieving what you fear, can help you reprogram your incorrect thoughts about your habits and move forward.
Take one small step! It’s natural for our mind to resist change. Take a goal and break it down to small steps. Focus on one step at a time. This will boost your confidence and motivate you to achieve the result you want.
The best way to accomplish this step is to act as if you are someone else who you know would have no problem taking this step. The reality is that once you do it and see you can do it, the rest comes naturally.

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